Diver Festival: Contemporary Dance in Tel Aviv-Jaffa is an annual international festival and a leading agent in the current ‘new wave’ of dance in Israel. It calls for post-disciplinary context, artistic courage, collaborative projects, and radical engagement in the field. Diver exposes and enhances the local and vibrant art scene, and simultaneously takes part in an international network of artists and institutions with mutual interest. The festival is known for its independence as it’s not exclusively officially associated with any major institution in the Israeli dance and art scene, but at the same time, it collaborates with most of them and with major visual art partners and prominent cultural venues.
Diver is taking place all over Tel Aviv-Jaffa in different venues, theaters, museums, and performance spaces. The content performed is introducing young and experienced leading choreographers and artists from Israel and abroad. Next to the shows, Diver invites and initiates diverse collaborations, formats, and platforms. Diver wishes to develop an embodied discursive sphere, which is conceptualizing the present, while investigating the past and performing a futuristic prophetic gesture.
- Artistic Director Ido Feder
- General Directors Iris Lana, Moshe Shecther Avshalom, Ido Feder
- Founder Moshe Shecther Avshalom
- Production Tamir Rakushkin
- Production MoBY Noa Itzkhaki
- Production CCA Guy Bernard Reichman
- Artistic Advisement Michal Helfman, Hila Cohen-Schneiderman, Gilad Ratman
- Graphic Design Amit Ayalon & Noee Zahavy
- Social Tamar Even Chen & Leo Liberman
- Tech Tamir Friedrich, Bar Zaken, Oded Komemi
- PR Dolphin Advertising and PR
- Supporters MoBY-Museums of Bat Yam, CCA-Tel Aviv-Yafo, Ministry of Culture - Israel, Tel Aviv Municipality, Tights: dance&thought
- Thanks Nicola Trezzi, members of The Pool, Mandel Cultural Center
- Part of The Pool - a collaboration between CCA, MoBY, Diver and Tights, with the support of Mifaal Hapais, under the artistic direction of Hila Cohen-Schneiderman, Ido Feder, Michal Helfman, Gilad Ratman.
Previous editions
- 2021Rehearsing EkklēsiaView Program
- 2020Mythos of CompanyEnter the Exhibition
- 2019Hypsteria!View Program
- 2018PrimiTVView Program
- 2017MateREALityView Program
- 2016Trad(e)itionView Program
- 2015Ex-spectacleView Program
- 2014Politicity of DanceView Program
- 2013Diver FestivalView Program
- 2012DolosView Program